Monday, April 6, 2009

From Alex

About 13 years ago I volunteered to write the church newsletter as a way to impress my fiance. Occasionally, I would slip little inside jokes in or secret messages. Emily loved that. Now I continue to write it as a way to piss her off. She'll ask me to do the dishes on a Monday night, "Oh sorry, Ems, I gotta get over to the church and write the newsletter." Works every time. I've gotten out of taking out the trash, bathing the children, walking the dog, all sorts of boring stuff using the letter as an excuse. In reality it only takes a few minutes.

"In our modern society, convenience has come to take precidence over covenant, happiness over holiness."

At the end of every week's letter, there's a section where I write a few paragraphs about what the Pastor taught on Sunday. I really enjoy taking the words of the pastor and trying to make them interesting for the congregation to read. I count it as my Christian service. I will probably never write a sermon, not because I couldn't, but because I don't need to, but I can summarize like you couldn't believe. I've had little old ladies in the church tell me they almost cried reading my summary of last week's sermon. Pastor always says "Great job! Great job!" I'm fairly certain he's never read one of them. Once he has preached a sermon, he is done with it. Connie, on the other hand, is always rather eager to draw me aside and try to correct me. She always tells me I misunderstood what the Pastor was trying to convey, I just look concerned and nod, and disregard what she says, that woman cares a little too much about what the Pastor has to say.

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