Tuesday, April 7, 2009

From Connie

"Friendship is an entire sameness, and one soul: a friend is another self."

The ancients wrote this, but it was quoted in a commentary on 1 Samuel regarding the friendship of David and Saul's son, Jonathon. The ancients. I just love the way that sounds when spoken, especially when whispered: "The ancients." I picture them in their long white togas, perhaps with thin bands of gold adorning their foreheads as they, amongst the pillared halls of knowledge, discuss ideas we have long forgotten and relearned, and forgotten again.

I am sure these ancients were wise, and they must have had great friendships. There have been innumerable people who have touched my life, who have shown me majestic things, or taught me priceless lessons, but I've never met anyone who shared my soul. My soul is just about as plain as I am, but I am fond of it, nonetheless. I suppose it is much stricter with me than some souls, not as free as others, but my soul and I live quite happily together. Maybe we are too complete to find a friend like that, outside of our one true love. But my love doesn't count, he is my soul, and he is me, not because I am good enough, never, but because I want him, I need him, and because I let him.

"Jonathon and David were this kind of friends. The covenant that Jonathon made with David was the sort made by a lesser man to a greater man, a pledge of allegiance if you will. Yet, Jonathon was the son of a King and David was a Shepherd. He humbled himself to create a space into which the friendship could grow, the covenant could run deeper."

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